A healthier you, one sleeve at a time💪

Gastric Sleeve

A Gastric Sleeve, also known as a sleeve gastrectomy, is a surgical weight-loss procedure in which a significant portion of the stomach is removed, leaving a sleeve-shaped or tube-like structure. This surgery is designed to reduce the size of the stomach, limiting the amount of food it can hold. The procedure is typically performed laparoscopically, using small incisions and a camera for guidance.

How is the procedure of surgery?

During the surgery, the surgeon removes approximately 75-85% of the stomach, including the part that produces the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin. The remaining stomach resembles a banana-shaped sleeve, which restricts the amount of food a person can eat and helps in weight loss.

Gastric sleeve surgery is considered a restrictive procedure, meaning it works by limiting the capacity of the stomach and reducing the amount of food one can consume. This often leads to a feeling of fullness with smaller meals, promoting weight loss over time. Additionally, the surgery may result in hormonal changes that contribute to appetite suppression.

Who is recommended for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is typically recommended for individuals with obesity who have not achieved significant weight loss through diet and exercise alone. It is considered a permanent alteration to the anatomy of the stomach and is associated with substantial and sustained weight loss in many patients. As with any surgical procedure, it comes with potential risks and requires careful consideration and consultation with healthcare professionals.

How to take care your body after Gastric Sleeve surgery?

Taking care of your body after gastric sleeve surgery is crucial for a successful recovery and long-term well-being. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Follow Post-Op Instructions:
    A specific instructions provided by your surgeon regarding diet, medications, and activity levels.
  • Hydration is Key:
    Stay hydrated by sipping water throughout the day. Avoid drinking large amounts at once to prevent discomfort.
  • Focus on Protein:
    Prioritize protein-rich foods to support healing and maintain muscle mass.
  • Vitamin and Mineral Supplements:
    Take prescribed vitamin and mineral supplements to prevent deficiencies.
  • Mindful Eating:
    Practice mindful eating, savoring each bite and paying attention to hunger and fullness cues.
  • Regular Physical Activity:
    Start with light activities and gradually increase intensity. Consult your surgeon before beginning any exercise routine.
  • Attend Follow-Up Appointments:
    Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your healthcare team for monitoring and guidance.
  • Monitor for Complications:
    Be vigilant for signs of complications such as infection, excessive bleeding, or unusual symptoms, and seek prompt medical attention if needed.
  • Counseling or Support Groups:
    Consider participating in counseling or support groups to address the emotional aspects of weight loss and lifestyle changes.

Always consult with your healthcare team for personalized advice. Visit Nizamiye hospital to learn more about the procedure and see if you are candidate for the Gastric Sleeve. You can contact us on https://nizamiye.ng/ and also call/text Veno from public relations on 08166666023 – 08056339444.

7 replies
  1. Alexandra
    Alexandra says:

    I have contacted you before was speaking to someone on Whatsapp and my phone got stolen I would like to move forward my WhatsApp number is 0704xxx thank you

  2. Hannah Adeoye
    Hannah Adeoye says:

    Can I get a quote for a gastric sleeve surgery? I want to know the cost before making my decision.

    • Nizamiye Hospital
      Nizamiye Hospital says:

      Thank you for reaching out about our medication service prices. To ensure accuracy, our prices are provided after a consultation. We tailor our treatment plans to your needs, making it clearer post-consultation. Ready to book your appointment or have questions? Please call us: 08166666023 – 08056339444

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