Learn how to keep those little teeth sparkling and healthy!✨

Baby bottle rot, also known as early childhood caries (ECC) or baby bottle tooth decay, is a dental condition that affects infants and young children. It is characterized by the rapid decay of baby teeth, particularly in the upper front teeth. Here’s how it works and what causes it:

How It Works:

  • Prolonged Exposure to Sugars:

Baby bottle rot often occurs when a baby’s teeth are exposed to sugary liquids for an extended period, especially during sleep. Common culprits include formula, breast milk, milk, or fruit juices in a bottle or Sippy cup.

  • Bacterial Action:

Bacteria in the mouth feed on the sugars present in these liquids, producing acids as a byproduct. These acids can erode the tooth enamel, leading to decay.

  • Frequent and Prolonged Contact:

The issue is exacerbated when a baby falls asleep with a bottle containing sugary liquids in their mouth. This results in prolonged exposure to the sugars and acids, increasing the risk of decay.

  • Weakened Enamel:

The enamel of baby teeth is softer and thinner than that of adult teeth, making them more susceptible to decay. Once the enamel is compromised, decay can progress quickly.


  • Limit Sugary Liquids:

Limit the intake of sugary liquids and avoid putting a baby to bed with a bottle containing anything other than water.

  • Oral Hygiene:

Start oral hygiene practices early by gently cleaning the baby’s gums with a soft cloth and introducing tooth brushing when the first tooth erupts.

  • Regular Dental Check-ups:

Schedule regular dental check-ups for the baby, starting around their first birthday or as recommended by the dentist.

  • Educate Caregivers:

Educate parents and caregivers about the risks of baby bottle rot and the importance of good oral hygiene practices.

  • Recognize Signs of Decay:

Inform caregivers about the signs of baby bottle rot, such as discoloration, spots on teeth, or changes in the child’s behavior. Encourage prompt dental consultation if any signs are observed.

Addressing baby bottle rot early is crucial to prevent further dental issues. If signs of decay are observed, it’s essential to consult a pediatric dentist for appropriate guidance and treatment.