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A New Approach to coronary angiography; Wrist angio, has been started at Nizamiye Hospital

What is an Angio?

“Angio” is short for angiography, a medical imaging technique used to visualize the blood vessels in various parts of the body. It is commonly employed to diagnose and treat conditions related to the blood vessels, including heart diseases.

Transradial angiography, or wrist angiography, is a diagnostic technique used to diagnose diseases of the heart vessels through the radial artery at the wrist. By using this approach, coronary arteries and other blood vessels surrounding the heart can be visualized and assessed. A catheter is inserted into the radial artery, guided by fluoroscopy. An X-ray image is then derived by injecting a contrast dye through the catheter to allow for a clearer view of the blood vessels. The size, structure, and blood flow of the coronary arteries can be assessed by healthcare professionals so they can identify blockages, narrowings, or other abnormalities indicative of heart diseases, such as coronary artery disease.

What are the advantages of wrist angiography

There are several advantages to this procedure, including reduced bleeding risk and faster recovery times, which are making it an increasingly popular option for some patients. It improved patient comfort as compared to traditional access through the femoral artery.

No need to stay in hospital and carry sandbag for long hours

Cardiology consultant Professor Mehmet S Ulgen from Nizamiye Hospital, said that in this test due to used radial artery, bleeding risk is very low, safer and to sandbag usage and to stay hospital is unnecessary.

Urgent diagnosis and intervention are lifesaving

Dr. Ulgen additionally said that in patients with chest pain or severe dyspnea may be a clue of a heart attack, and may require urgent diagnosis and intervention in minutes. Our clinic and cardiac team are ready for all cardiac urgencies 7/24 hours.